Officer Shot During Brockton Standoff: Police Chief Says “We Almost Lost A Guy”

A tragic shooting incident happened in Brockton on Thursday, October 7, around 5.45 p.m. Police officer Robert Otis was shot and injured during the Brockton standoff, while the suspected shooter and another person were killed.
The suspected shooter has been identified as Kevin Serpa, aged 32. The other person killed in the incident was identified as Christopher Gomes, 28. Gomes was found shot in his SUV. The hours-long standoff took place in Serpa’s Brockton home.
Sherpa, who is believed to have shot Gomes, also shot the police officer and then took his own life. Otis, a recent academy graduate, was shot four times, according to Plymouth County District Attorney Timothy Cruz.
Surveillance footage revealed an SUV was driving on Tabor Avenue and parking before a person walked up and fired. The vehicle moved forward where the gunman followed it and started firing again. Gunshots were fired from the second floor when a police SUV arrived at the scene. Otis was shot during this firing incident.
Chief Emanuel Gomes added that the local police force “almost lost a guy” and that, since he has a son in Boston PD, seeing young people involved in such tragic incidents makes him emotional. The police chief also said he was happy to see that Otis was safe and voiced appreciation for the officer’s actions that saved his and others’ lives. Otis was released from the Boston Medical Center on Friday, October 8.
An investigation into the Brockton standoff is currently underway.
If you or your loved ones suffered such a tragic incident, know your legal options with the help of a Brockton MA. personal Injury lawyer.